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Register as a Loyal 2 Local Participant

Welcome! Thank you for your interest in becoming a part of the Loyal 2 Local program. Please complete the following form to become a Participant for the L2L Program Year that runs from July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025. The annual fee is $250 with standard marketing materials included; additional items are available for purchase.

This form will collect your business profile information as you register so we can update the L2L Business Directory and highlight your business offerings on our blog and social media. Your logo may be used on the business directory, blog, and/or social media accounts.

 Questions about signing up? Please contact Mindy Meyers at 920-379-6611 or


* Upon form submission you will be redirected to the payment page to complete your enrollment. Thank you!

Retail window with three mannequins and an open sign in downtown Iron Mountain

“A great program that reminds our community to support our local businesses and families..”

— Joe Rizzo

“Great way to share business in our community..”

— Nelson Hassell


“Exciting - lots of positive movement here!”

— Nicole Carlson Lutz